The „Stickelbach“ rises between the Hebenhübel and the Bermeshöhe and flows through a meadow valley in a south-southwestern direction towards the Miesenbach creek. Vigorously bubbling springs filled „four little Wööglein“…
The bank and memorial stone were erected by the community in 1912 for the longtime field and forest ranger Michael Holzhauser as a present on his 60th birthday at his…
The “Wildbretsdell” (venison dell) describes the basin between the Herzerkopf and the Schulkopf hills. Game liked to stay here which led to its name. The official name, transferred into New…
The Herzerkopf is officially part of the open-field system „An der Wildpretsdell“. It is mentioned for the first time in the original cadastre in 1845. The designation is very likely…
Bekanntmachung der Haushaltssatzung der Ortsgemeinde Kottweiler-Schwanden für das Jahr 2022 vom 27.04.2022 Der Gemeinderat hat aufgrund § 95 ff. der Gemeindeordnung für Rheinland-Pfalzvom 31. Januar 1994 (GVBL. S. 153) zuletzt…